Asset Integrity Management | Â鶹¹ú²ú¾«Æ·


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Asset Integrity Management

Asset Integrity Management

Asset Integrity Solutions to Improve Uptime and Cost Reduction

Do you have the processes, systems and tools necessary to ensure integrity throughout the lifecycle of your asset? 

Asset integrity management (AIM) programs have evolved from engineering design standards into a technically robust, data-driven solution with business practices that promote cost-effective and efficient asset performance.

Â鶹¹ú²ú¾«Æ· is committed to improving your reliability, efficiency and profitability while driving safe, responsible, compliant operations. Rather than using an intrusive time-based asset maintenance and integrity regime, our asset integrity services offer risk and reliability solutions to help asset owners understand the full risk picture with the goals of improving uptime, reducing inspection costs, facilitating regulatory compliance and driving operational excellence. 


The Asset Lifecycle

By understanding the true condition of the asset, sound management decisions can be made, driving reliability, efficiency and profitability.

Full lifecycle asset integrity management begins with verifying proper equipment design, fabrication and installation and then progresses to appropriate operational, inspection and testing practices, and finally to the proper management of identified equipment damage and degradation. Most asset risk management activities need to focus on the in-service operational phase of the lifecycle because it represents the longest, most critical phase of an asset service life.

Reliable Solutions for Complex, High-Performance Assets

Operational inefficiencies such as equipment failures and unplanned downtime result in a major loss of revenue for the owners and operators. The use of less intrusive, risk and criticality-based inspection and predictive maintenance programs coupled with supply chain efficiencies can significantly reduce these costs.

Our AIM solution combines engineering, inspection and support services to help asset owners understand their complete risk picture to improve uptime, reduce inspection costs, facilitate regulatory compliance and drive operational excellence. 

Electrical Equipment

  • Electrical Area Classification
  • Inspection and Test Plan Development
  • Inspection and Test Procedure Development
  • Testing and Calibration

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Safety Risk Compliance

Emergency Response Equipment

  • Risk and Regulatory Compliance Review
  • Equipment Design Review
  • Inspection and Test Plan Development
  • Inspection and Test Procedure Development

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Instrumentation and Controls

  • Risk Tolerance Development
  • LOPA
  • SIL Requirements/SIF Identification

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Pressure Vessels, Storage Tanks and Piping

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Rotating Equipment and Machinery

  • Asset Criticality Assessments
  • Asset Strategy Optimization
  • Spare Part Analysis
  • PM Development

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Process Safety Equipment

  • Overpressure Scenario Analysis
  • Relief Rate Calculations
  • Back Pressure Analysis
  • Flare Header Design

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Structures, Hull and Mooring

  • Engineering Analyses
  • Life Extension
  • Risk-Based Inspection Program Development
  • Design Verification

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AIM Services by Program

From the Knowledge Center


Offshore Asset Integrity: Do You Have An Effective AIM Program?

How can operators identify crucial gaps and deficiencies to maintain critical offshore assets? Each company needs an effective asset integrity management program addressing operational and catastrophic risks.
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What is Asset Integrity Management and Why it Matters

Effective and efficient asset integrity management programs can help improve the return on investment of current and future operations.
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Damage Mechanism Assessments: Are Your PSM and AIM Managers Connecting?

It's time to start talking. Learn how you can use Damage Mechanism Assessments to get Process Safety Managers and Asset Integrity Managers communicating effectively.
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